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Compliance sets the benchmark for risk mitigation. A compliance framework makes it possible to monitor identified risks, track trends and detect potential vulnerabilities. Complement this with an early warning system that can alert you to co-ordinate corrective actions thereby preventing potential breaches and consequential disasters.

Based on your critical processes and key business driver's ∑ Vision can work with your team to review the risk domain: risk of potential loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal factors - processes, people and systems – or from external systems.

At ∑ Vision, we work with certified managers and help you develop a framework and validate your strategies to take advantage of compliance , in a way that supports your business goals and delivers a solid return on your investments.



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All ©and ® belong to ∑ Vision, ∑ Ventures Inc.; and respective companies acknowledged; Disclaimer; 2005

It is said that ‘no business is without risks', while this is true; risk can be contained if it is anticipated. 

To mitigate risk it is important to understand it.   

“Risk” is defined as – “ The quantifiable likelihood of loss or less-than-expected returns”, and “the practice of analyzing exposure to risk and determining how to best handle such exposure” is known as “R isk management”. 

Whitepapers to be added soon……

Approach to Basel II

SOX Compliance – Why the delay∑

Investments in EMV

Tangible returns from Compliance